Wake Missionary Baptist Association, Inc.

       Standing Firm On The Eternal Word Of God In Shifting Times (Isaiah 40:8)     

Executive Board 

Wake Missionary Baptist Association, Inc. 
Executive Board Members 2019 - 2024



Moderator, Reverend Dr. George A. Jones, Jr.

First Vice-Moderator, Reverend Dr. James S. Utley

Second Vice-Moderator, Reverend Joyce Pulley-Hinton

Third Vice-Moderator, Reverend James Clanton

Fourth Vice-Moderator, Reverend Keith R. Hicks Jr.


Clerk, Sister Portia Brandon

CorrespondingSecretary, Sister Juanita Bright

Treasurer, Sister Sygrid Elston

Financial Secretary, Reverend Dr. Laura Johnson

Parliamentarian, Reverend Larry Wilder


Historian, Deacon Stanley Davis

Public Relations, Sister Tedra Harris

Minister of Music, Sister Vickie Debnam

President, Union, Reverend Vernis Wright

Vice President, Union, Reverend Jahmar Cobb


President, Congress of Christian Education, Reverend Dr. Kevin Sturdivant

President, Woman's Auxiliary, Sister Teresa Jones 

President, Usher's Union, Sister Chiquita Douglas

President, Laymen's League, Brother Carl Jones


President, Youth Auxiliary, Minster De'Quan Isom 

Prison Ministry, Sister Betty Ballentine

Ministerial Council Representative, Reverend Dr. Jean D Brown

Webmaster, Reverend Israel Stacker


At-Large Members:
Central, Reverend Nettie Cutler

Eastern, Reverend Stanley Dickens

Northern, Reverend Dr. Anthony Bailey

South Central, Reverend Dr. Anthony Hinton

Southern, Reverend Dr. Mary Heggie 

Western, Sister Brenda Rochelle


Former Moderators:
Reverend Kirby Jones

Reverend Dr. Nathaniel J. Wood

Reverend Dr. Marvin Connelly, Jr.

Reverend Dr. William T. Newkirk, Sr.

Reverend Dr. Ronald E. Avery

Reverend Paul L. Anderson

Reverend Anthony Eaton

Reverend Otis G. Byrd




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